VOC Resistant Niobium Thin Films with Modulated Refractive Index
R. Georgiev, L. Todorova, D. Christova, B. Georgieva, T. Babeva
Journal of Physics and Technology 1 (2), 56-61 (2017)
Influence of Pelvis Width and Leg Length on the Wear Behavior of UHMWPE Hip Cup
Yousef S., Ali Abdelnaby M., Ali S., Mohamed Hegazy A., Mohamed A., Ashraf A., Hussein A., Christova D.
Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion 3, 21 (2017); DOI: 10.1007/s40735-017-0081-4
Determination of Intimate Composition of Theranostic Polyplexes based on (Co)Polymers of Poly(vinyl benzyl trimethylammonium chloride).
Haladjova E., Mountrichas G., Pispas S., Rangelov S.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2017, DOI:10.1002/macp.201700428.
Rational design of polypeptide-based block copolymer for nonviral gene delivery.
Kalinova, R., Doumanov, J. A., Mladenova, K., Janevska, D., Georgieva, M., Miloshev, G., Topouzova-Hristova, T., Dimitrov, I.
ChemistrySelect, 2017, 2, 36, 12006-12013
Copolymers of 2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline and ethylenimine: aqueous solution properties and polyplex formation.
Veleva-Kostadinova, E., Toncheva-Moncheva, N., Tsvetanov, Ch., Rangelov, S..
Novel curcumin-containing cellulose acetate-based nanofibrous materials prepared by electrospinning and electrospraying.
Tsekova P., Spasova, M., Manolova, N., Rashkov, I., Markova, N.. „
Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series B. Teсhnics and Technologies, 2017, ISSN:1311-9192 (Print), 166-169
Изследване на влиянието на дизайна на колектора върху механичните свойства на електроовлакнени материали от поли(3-хидроксибутират).
Борисова, И., Стоилова, О., Спасова, М., Манолова, Н., Рашков, И.
Текстил и облекло, 9, НТС по текстил, облекло и кожи, 2017, ISSN:1310-912X, 228-234
Electrospun fibrous fluor-containing polymer materials decorated with ZnO nanoparticles: preparation and properties
Spasova, M., Manolova, N., Markova, N., Rashkov, I.
Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series B. Teсhnics and Technologies, 2017, ISSN:1311-9192 (Print), 162-165
New electrospun materials with shell from biocompatible polyesters and curcumin-containing core: preparation and properties.
Borisova, I., Stoilova, O., Rashkov, I., Manolova, N.
Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series С. Teсhnics and Technologies, XV, The Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (USB ) – Plovdiv, 2017, ISSN:1311 – 9419, 176-179
Preparation and characterization of non-woven fibrous materials from poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) onto patterned collectors.
Borisova, I., Stoilova, O., Manolova, N., Rashkov, I.
Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series С. Teсhnics and Technologies, XV, The Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (USB ) – Plovdiv, 2017, ISSN:1311 -9419, 180-183.
Synthesis and micellization of multifunctional triblock copolymer for targeted drug delivery.
Babikova, D., Kalinova, R., Dimitrov, I.
Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria-Plovdiv, Series C. Technics and Technologies, XV, House of Scientists, Plovdiv, 2017, ISSN:1311 -9419 (Print), 184-187
Polymeric vehicles for transport and delivery of DNA via cationic micelle template method.
Haladjova E., Kyulavska M., Doumanov J., Topouzova-Hristova T., Petrov P.
Colloid and Polymer Science, 295, 2017, 2197-2205.
Long Circulating, pH-Sensitive Liposomes.
Momekova, D., Rangelov, S., Lambov, N..
Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1522 Liposomes: Methods and Protocols., Springer, 2017, ISBN:978-1-4939-6589-2, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-6591-5_16, 17, 209-226.
Antioxidant response and biocompatibility of curcumin-loaded triblock copolymeric micelles.
Tzankova, V., Gorinova, C., Kondeva-Burdina, M., Simeonova, R., Philipov, S., Konstantinov, S., Petrov, P., Galabov, D., Yoncheva, K..
Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 2017, 27, 1, 72-80.
Reactivity of P–H Group of Phosphorus Based Compounds.
Troev K.
Elsevier Inc., 2017, ISBN:978-0-12-813834-2, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-813834-2.00008-1
Copolymers of ε-caprolactam and polypropylene oxide via anionic polymerization: synthesis and properties.
Zhilkova, Kr., Mateva, R., Kyulavska, M.
J Polym Res, 2017, 24, 162, 161-172.
Biobased polyamide ecomaterials and their susceptibility to biodegradation.
Kyulavska, M., Toncheva-Moncheva, N., Rydz, J..
Handbook of Ecomaterials, 1, Springer International Publishing, 2017, ISBN:978-3-319-48281-1, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-48281-1
Color sensing of humidity using thin films of hydrophilic cationic copolymers.
Lazarova, K, Todorova, L, Christova, D, Babeva, T.
40th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE), 2017, ISSN:2161-2536, DOI:ISSE.2017.800097710.1109
Development of propolis-loaded block copolymer micelles of superior structural stability and high loading capacity.
Petrov, Petar D., Grancharov Georgy, Gancheva Valeria, Trusheva Boryana, Bankova Vassya, Tsvetanov Christo B..
Polymer, 2017, 125, 102-109.
•Spherical propolis-loaded PEO-b-PnBA micelles were fabricated.
•Micellar solutions were very stable upon storage.
•Active species content in polymer carriers was ca. 33 wt%.
•Propolis-loaded micelles maintained their morphology at rigorous dilution
Montmorillonite as a highly effective anion conductive enhancer in alkali doped polybenzimidazole bazed membranes for PEM electrolyzers.
Ublekov F., Sinigersky V., Penchev H., Georgiev V., Radev I..
XVI International Clay Conference/ICC 2017/Granada, Spain, Scientific Research Abstracts, 7, 2017, ISSN:ISSN 2464-9147, 774-775
On the bioadhesive properties of silicone-based coatings by incorporation of block copolymers.
Ngo, T. C., Kalinova, R., Mincheva, R., Beaussart, A., Hennebert, E., Flammang, P., Dufrêne, Y., Dubois, P., Lazzaroni, R., Leclère, P.
Bio-inspired Structured Adhesives, 2017, 40, 303-343.
Materials from Nanosized ZnO and Polyacrylonitrile: Properties Depending on the Design of Fibers (Electrospinning or Electrospinning/Electrospraying).
Kancheva, M., Toncheva, A., Paneva, D., Manolova, N., Rashkov, I., Markova, N
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2017, 27, 912-922.
Effects of surfactants in the process of construction of polymeric nanocapsules.
Haladjova E., Rangelov S., Otulakowski L., Dworak A., Trzebicka B.
Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 2017, 70, 7.
Preparation, modification and characterization of a hydrogel based on polyacrylic and polymetacrylic acid as a potential carrier for drug delivery systems.
Voycheva, C., Georgiev, V., Natova, M., Baranovsky, V.Y..
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2017, 1, 2, 1-4
Editorial: End-Group and In-Chain Functionalization for Tailoring Properties of Biocompatible/(Bio)degradable Polymers to Specific Purposes
Rydz, J, Christova, D.
Current Organic Synthesis, 2017, 14, 6, 756-756.
Bilayer solvent and vapor-triggered actuators made of cross-linked polymer architectures via Diels–Alder pathway.
Toncheva, A., Willocq, B., Khelifa, F, Douheret, O, Lambert, P, Dubois, Ph, Raquez, J-M.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5, 5556-5563.

Cisplatin delivery vehicles based on stabilized polymeric aggregates comprising poly (acrylic acid) chains
Stoyanova, E., Petar Petrov, Irina Karadjova, Georgi Momekov, Neli Koseva..
Polymer Journal, 2017, 49, 607-615.
Особливості моделювання теплопровідності полімерних композитів на основі поліметилметакрилату.
Динжос, Р. В., Рангелов, С., Косева, Н.
Національного педагогічного університету імені М.П. Драгоманова, 2017, 21-23.
Super-macroporous dextran cryogels via UV-induced crosslinking: Synthesis and characterization.
Georgiev, G., Trzebicka, B, Kostova, B., Petrov, P. D.
Polymer International, 66, 9, 2017, 1306-1311.
Novel dextran/β-cyclodextrin and dextran macroporous cryogels for topical delivery of curcumin in the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.
M Iv Slavkova, D B Momekova, B D Kostova, G Tz Momekov, P D Petrov.
Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2017, 49, 4, 792-799.
Surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization from electrospun mats: An alternative to Nafion.
Javakhishvili, I., Dimitrov, I., Tynelius, O., Hales, J..
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2017, 302, 4, 1600410.

Electrospun curcumin-loaded cellulose acetate/ polyvinylpyrrolidone fibrous materials with complex architecture and antibacterial activity.
Tsekova, P., Spasova, M., Manolova, N., Markova, N., Rashkov, I..
Materials Science & Engineering C, 2017, 73, 206-214.
•Novel curcumin-loaded materials based on cellulose acetate and polyvinylpyrrolidone were prepared by electrospinning.
•Using one-pot or dual spinneret electrospinning enabled modulating drug release.
•The incorporation of polyvinylpyrrolidone resulted in faster curcumin release.
•The curcumin-containing mats exhibited antibacterial activity thus rendering them suitable for wound dressing applications.
Synthesis of poly(oxyethylene phosphoramidate)s and glycopolymers via Staudinger reaction: Multivalent binding studies with Concanavalin
A. Todorova, Z., Koseva, N., Ugrinova, I., Troev, K..
Journal of polymer science part A-Polymer chemistry, 2017, 55, 10, 1730-1741.
Tuning the Properties of PVDF or PVDF-HFP Fibrous Materials Decorated with ZnO Nanoparticles by Applying Electrospinning Alone or in Conjunction with Electrospraying.
Spasova, M., Manolova, N., Markova, N., Rashkov, I..
Fibers and Polymers, 2017, 18, 649-657.
Double stimuli responsive mixed aggregates from poly (acrylic acid)-block-poly (ε-caprolactone)-block-poly (acrylic acid) and poly (ethylene oxide)-block-poly (propylene oxide)-block-poly (ethylene oxide) triblock copolymers.
Katya Kamenova, Barbara Trzebicka, Denitsa Momekova, Petar Petrov.
Polymer Bulletin, 2017, 74, 3, 707-720.
Thin films from hydrophilic poly(N,N-dimethyl acrylamide) copolymers as optical indicators for humidity.
Lazarova, K., Todorova, L., Christova, D., Vasileva, M., Georgiev, R., Madjarova, V., Babeva, T.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017, 794, 1, 1-6.
Preparation and Properties of Positively Charged Mesoglobules based on Poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) and Evaluation of their Potential as Carriers of Polynucleotides.
Toncheva-Moncheva, N, Veleva-Kostadinova, E., Tsvetanov, Ch., Momekova, D., Rangelov, S..
Polymer, 2017, 111, 156-167.
•Copolymers of 2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline and ethylenimine are prepared by acidic hydrolysis.
•They form positively charged mesoglobules at elevated temperatures.
•The mesoglobules form well-defined polyplex particles with DNA ranging 110–250 nm.
•The copolymers with PEI contents ≥15% are perspective for delivery of genes.
Microwave assisted synthesis and X-ray structure of a novel anthracene-derived aminophosphonate. Enantioseparation of two α-aminophosphonates and genotoxicity in vivo.
Kraicheva, I., Tsacheva, I., Nikolova, R., Topashka-Ancheva, M., Stoineva, I., Shivachev, B..
Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2017, 192, 4, 403-409.

Amphiphilic core-shell nanoparticles with dimer fatty acid-based aliphatic polyester core and zwitterionic poly(sulfobetaine) shell for controlled delivery of curcumin.
Gromadzki, D, Tzankova, V., Kondeva, M., Gorinova, C., Rychter, P., Maric, M., Momekov, G., Maric, M., Momekova, D.
International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 2017, 66, 18, 915-925.