The annual Scientific Session “Young Scientists in the World of Polymers” was organized for the first time in 2009, with the financial support of the project “Support for the development and realization of PhD students, post-docs and young scientists in the field of polymer chemistry, physics and engineering ” (BG051PO001/07/3.3-02-051) under the Operational Program “Development of Human Resources” 2007-2013 of the Ministry of Education and Culture, co-financed by the ESF.

The scientific forum gives a platform for young researchers working in the field of polymers and other research fields involving polymer materials. After the successful start, the event gradually gained popularity and attracted participants from various institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the leading universities in Bulgaria. In the first six sessions, the young scientists presented poster only, and after that the program was expanded with oral presentations. Traditionally, an authoritative jury give awards to the best performing participants.